Get hold of Hundreds by Writing Slogans and Phrases if you are Smart as well as Creative

Are you able to explain the whole details in 1 line or a in a slogan? Can you write a Phrase that describes the whole idea? Then you have the ability to make lots of money by just writing Phrases and Slogan which can be purchased by big companies anytime!

Many startup companies or an establish companies are in need of some one-liner or Slogan or Punch-line for their company, products, Ads, Special offer, Occasion etc. So in this situation they look for freelance Writers to submit their ideas on their specific theme.

Write Corporate Punch Lines!
These types of Punch lines are small and very eye catchy as well as Meaningful to the product of services or Company name, Like Nike’s “Just Do It.” Some are like a sentence but mostly client prefer like a small one.

Most of the time big companies or firms have their own creative team behind this but when they want more ideas and something out of the box than they come up with some type of event or a competition where Freelancers get a chance to earn some good money.

But it is difficult to wait for these type of competition and do not know where to find them but there is a company which allows you to just submit as many as you want and when ever any slogan or tagline will be purchased by any company, you will get paid.

Slogan Seller will be the best website where you can earn $800 to $3000 per month by just writing Slogan, Taglines, Phrases or One-lines.
You can write as many as you want and just submit it online and wallah! You get paid.
3 Simple Steps to Follow;
  1. Write a Slogan
  2. Upload it online
  3. Get Paid
You can try an ordinary Word, Phrase or a Symbol, Put it for sale online and it will take couple of Minute and you make money every time someone use it.

How to get Ideas for Slogan?

For ideas about this type of catch lines or phrases, you need to look around your surroundings. You can see many advertisements everyday either on TV, Hoardings, Mobile, Ads on Bus etc. also you can check out the other companies slogan and tag lines too. 

I am sure you will get some really good ideas soon and try this System to get it started.


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